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Group Hike on OHT Sylamore Section

- Trail: Ozark Highlands Trail/Sylamore Section: “Grassy Hollow” to Spring Creek Trailhead
- Date: Saturday, December 9, 2023
- Meeting time: 9:30 a.m. PLEASE BE PROMPT!
- Meeting place: Intersection of Hwy 341/Push Mountain Road & Rand Road/FR 1118 (gravel). Rand Rd. is fairly close to (but across highway from) Moccasin Springs Trailhead. Pull off Hwy 341 onto Rand Rd. and wait there. We’ll caravan to Spring Creek TH to leave some cars and then go to “Grassy Hollow” (very limited parking) to begin the hike.
- Co-Hike Leaders: Kris McMillen and Dave Weiss
- Distance of hike: approx. 6-7 miles including about 2.5 miles “off-piste”! (Hey, look it up—LOL!!)
- Difficulty of hike: Difficult with some bushwhacking and steep terrain
- Lots of big bluffs and pretty stuff. A good time to be in the woods!
Jake Anderson of Norfork Adventure Supply has kindly offered the use of the Group Campsite at Blanchard Springs Recreation area for the weekend of Dec. 9 for anyone of us to use free. The campsite has been reserved for the trail runners who are participating in the adventure race that weekend. I am not totally sure, but I believe the shower house will be open for that weekend. There are restrooms and a big pavilion. I think it is Group Camp #1, but either way it is the first one you come to down at Blanchard Springs camping area–the one that is by the big rock cave-looking area. You’ll be sharing with the trail runners. If you want to use it, just go there–no need to inform anyone ahead of time–just tell them you are with the OHTA hikers. If you have any questions, please drop Kris an email at: krismcmillen7@gmail.com
We will need to do a car shuttle on this hike.
Non-aggressive dogs are OK to bring along on this hike; must be under voice control. Some hikers don’t allow pets riding in their cars and some don’t mind, so we’ll leave it up to you to work that out with the other hikers.
Please bring lunch, water, snacks, hiking boots/shoes, proper clothing for the temps. Bring your own first aid supplies, bug spray, sunscreen or whatever you need for the day.
We are just some experienced hiking friends who are casually meeting at a trailhead to go hiking. Hike at your own risk; everyone is responsible for their own self/well-being. No children under 15 allowed. This hike will be limited to 15 people. There will be an Ozark Highlands Trail Assoc. Liability Waiver for everyone to sign.
AFTER HIKE TAILGATE PARTY: After the hike we will stay for a while at Spring Creek TH and have a little tailgate party. Just bring some sort of snack (chips, dip, Hummus, cookies, whatever) to share, and, if you want, a drink of your choice. You will need to put your items in the cars that are left at Spring Creek TH.
All hikes are weather-permitting. If you want to be a part of this hike, please reserve your spot by emailing Kris McMillen at krismcmillen7@gmail.com or by texting her at 501-984-3774. Once you have confirmed your spot, please be sure to check your email regularly in case there are any last minute changes.
This hike is very likely to fill up quickly, so please be sure to contact Kris as soon as possible!
One last thing: The Spirit of Syllamo 100 is being run on December 9 on the same section of the OHT that participants in this hike will be using. Please be aware that you may encounter one or several of the competition’s runners, and when you do, be sure to politely give them the right of way.